AVC DA06015B12M 60*60*15 Mm DC 12V 0.18A 3-pin Axial Server Inverter TV Set Cooling Fan
- Category: DC 12 VOLT FANS
F4010B12H F4010B12H DA09025R12U DA09025R12U DA17251B12H F6015B12LY F6015B12LY DD12038R12H F9733B12LT DS09225T12HP031 DS09225R12M DS09225T12HP013 DB04048B12U For AVC 4048 DE07015B12U DE07015B12U DA07015B12U DA07015B12U C3010S12L DB06038B12H C6010B12H 12V C6010B12H DB06038B12H DB06038B12H F6010T12HS F6010T12HS DS09225S12-000 DS08025T12UP021 F1225B12V DS09225R12H-014 DS09225R12H-014 For AVC D4010B12H D4010B12H DS09225R12H-115 DBTB0838B2S For AVC 17251 DATA1551B8M DA08025R12U DATA1551B8M DA05015R12H DB12038B24H DS04010B12H-026 DS04010B12H-026 DA08025B12U ML350G6 508110-001 ML350 G6 DASA0925B2S DA09025T12U DA09025T12U DE07015B12L BASA0819R5U DS07015R12L DS07015R12L DS08025R12U-011 C3010S12L DS09225R12H DA04010B12H DD05010B05U C5010T12M C5010T12M DS08025T12UP057 401012V DB04048B12U F1225B12V DA12032B48H DA12032B48H DBTA0838B2G DBTA0838B2G BA10033B12H DBTA1225BHU DF08080B12U C4010S24HH DS12025B12UP024 FX00000263 BA03010B05U Fan BA10033B12U C8025S12M BA04515B12E DA08025B48S BA04510B05H BATA0507R5H For AVC FAN DA06010B12U BA10033B12S DB09225B48U DS04010B12H-037 BA10033B12S DA12025B24U DS04010S12L DS06025B12U BN13391B48S F3510S12LY DA07020R12H F1238B12U DS07015T12U DA07020R12U DA07015T12U ML330G3 F7015B12HB ML330 G3 ML330G3 BASA5508R5H 12025R12LP BA10033B12H C8025R12HB BA10033B12U DASA0815R2U F4020B12H BASB1125R2H F3510S12LY DS08025T12UP033 DS08025T12UP033 F9733B12LG DS09225R12HP024 M5213NC DE07015B12H DE07015B12H P1238B24H DBTA0838B2G F1225B12H F8025R12MA DYTA2070B8S DS08025R12UP048 2B12038B24M P011 DA07015R12U BA10033B12U BA10033B12G C5010B12EV D4010T12H D4010T12H DS09225T12HPFAF DS09225T12HPFAF DASB0815B2U GTX560TI GTX560 FD7525U12D XFX HD7970 FD7525U12D HD7970 FX00000454 12025R12LP FX00000454 FD9238M12D FD9238M12D BAKA0615R2HV003 DS08025R12UP DA07520B12U DA07520B12U DASA0925B2S DS09225T12HP013 DS06025B12U BASB1125R2H DATA0825B8H DATA0825B8H DBTA1225B4S DBTA1225B4S DA17251B48U F7015B12LA DS09225R12HP049 DA08025B12U DB04048B12U DS06013T12UPFAR DS06013T12UPFAR DD04010B05U DD04010B05U BAKA0812R2UP001 BAKA0812R2UP001 DS12025B12HP005 DS04010S12L DASA1238B2H FX00000263 12025R12HP DS09225R12H DA12025B12LP005 DS12025B12H P001 DS12025B12H F1225B12V C6015B12L DA09225R12U FX00000263 12025R12HP DBTA1225BHU DF08080B12U DESA0938B2M DESA0938B2M DS08025R12UP059 DS08025R12UP059 DS09225R12H BATA0515B2U DS08025R12UP DS12025B12H DS08025R12UP059 DA12032B48H 48V DA12032B48H F4010B12HH P4010B12HE DA12025R12E DBPA1751B2S DBPA1751B2S F9733B12LG F9733B12LG 2B12038B48U F1225B12H DS09225B12U 2B12038B48H 2B12038B48H DB04028B12M FX00000263 12025R12HP DS12025B12U DS12025B12U C4010T12H C4010T12H DESA0938B2M BA03010B05U C6025B12L DB04028B12M DATA1551B8M BAKA0815T5H 5V BAKA0815T5H DS08025R12UP026 DS08025R12UP026 For AVC DB04048B12S BASA5508R5H BATA0507R5H BASA0510R5U BAKA0812R2UP001 DA08020B12U BA07530B24M BATA0610R5H DS05020B05H DS08025T12U BASB0510R2U BA06015R12L BA06015R12L DATA1551B8L DATA1551B8L F9733B12LG BASB1125R2H BATA1025B8S DA12025B24U-022 F4020B12H FD9238M12D DATA0420B2S DATA0825B8H F7025B12LX B4020B12H B4020B12H DV12038B48H DV12038B48H DB03828B12U F6015B12MY F7015B12HN F7015B12HN C6010B12LS C6010B12LS DB04028B12M DB04028B12M DB08038B12M DS04010B12H BATA0822R2H DA09238B12H DA09238B12H C5010B12MV F6010T12LS DA09238B12H DF08080B12U SANLY 7015 SF7015SL DB04028B12U DB04028B12U C6010B12LS DFTA0676B2S F6020B12HY DA08020B12U DB09025B12U BASA0825R2M BASA0825R2M E7015R12H DB04048B12U DN06510B12M DN06510B12M B1238B12H F6015B12LY DS04010S12L DS04010S12L DS09238B12HPFAF DS09238B12HPFAF DB04048B12U C6025B12L C6025B12L C4010T12H C4010T12H DS04010B12H-045 DS04010B12H-045 BA10033B12S BA10033B12S DS07020B12U DS07020B12U F9025S12L F9025S12L DB04028B12U DF0456B12U DA12025R12EP016 DA12025R12EP016 DE07015B12H DE07015B12H F7025B12E F7025B12E DBTB1238B4S C5010B12H C5010B12H DA04010B12H D4010B12M DS04028B12U DS04028B12U F9733B12LE F9733B12LE DB07038B12U DB07038B12U B9025B12H BA03010B05U DS08025R12MP098 DS09225R12LC019 C9025B12H P1238B24H DD05010B05U DS06013T12UPFAR DS06013T12UPFAR F7015T12MY F7015T12MY F3820B12H F3820B12H DD12038B48H DA04010B12U F7015B12MN F9025S12HB F9025S12HB F9733B12L F9733B12L D4020B12L D4020B12L F8025B12E F3828B12HB F3828B12HB DF04056B12U DS08020R12M DA12032B48U F7015R12UY F9025S12M F9025S12M P6015B12U P6015B12U DS04020B12H DS04020B12H D6025B12E F3828B12H DBTB1238B4U DS08025T12U-006 DA12025B12H DA12025B12H DS04010R12U DS04010R12U DB09225B12F F6010T12MS E7025B12HA E1225B12H DS09225T12HP079 DS08025B12MP088 BA12032B12M 2B09238B48H 2B09238B48H DA06015B12M-040 DA06015B12M-040 F7015T12UY F7015T12UY DS04020B12M DS04020B12M DATA0625B8H DATA0625B8H DBTB1238B2U DBTB1238B2U DATA0625B8F DATA0625B8F D6015R12LY D6015R12LY DS06025R12M-015 DS06025R12M-015
F4010B12H F4010B12H DA09025R12U DA09025R12U DA17251B12H F6015B12LY F6015B12LY DD12038R12H F9733B12LT DS09225T12HP031 DS09225R12M DS09225T12HP013 DB04048B12U For AVC 4048 DE07015B12U DE07015B12U DA07015B12U DA07015B12U C3010S12L DB06038B12H C6010B12H 12V C6010B12H DB06038B12H DB06038B12H F6010T12HS F6010T12HS DS09225S12-000 DS08025T12UP021 F1225B12V DS09225R12H-014 DS09225R12H-014 For AVC D4010B12H D4010B12H DS09225R12H-115 DBTB0838B2S For AVC 17251 DATA1551B8M DA08025R12U DATA1551B8M DA05015R12H DB12038B24H DS04010B12H-026 DS04010B12H-026 DA08025B12U ML350G6 508110-001 ML350 G6 DASA0925B2S DA09025T12U DA09025T12U DE07015B12L BASA0819R5U DS07015R12L DS07015R12L DS08025R12U-011 C3010S12L DS09225R12H DA04010B12H DD05010B05U C5010T12M C5010T12M DS08025T12UP057 401012V DB04048B12U F1225B12V DA12032B48H DA12032B48H DBTA0838B2G DBTA0838B2G BA10033B12H DBTA1225BHU DF08080B12U C4010S24HH DS12025B12UP024 FX00000263 BA03010B05U Fan BA10033B12U C8025S12M BA04515B12E DA08025B48S BA04510B05H BATA0507R5H For AVC FAN DA06010B12U BA10033B12S DB09225B48U DS04010B12H-037 BA10033B12S DA12025B24U DS04010S12L DS06025B12U BN13391B48S F3510S12LY DA07020R12H F1238B12U DS07015T12U DA07020R12U DA07015T12U ML330G3 F7015B12HB ML330 G3 ML330G3 BASA5508R5H 12025R12LP BA10033B12H C8025R12HB BA10033B12U DASA0815R2U F4020B12H BASB1125R2H F3510S12LY DS08025T12UP033 DS08025T12UP033 F9733B12LG DS09225R12HP024 M5213NC DE07015B12H DE07015B12H P1238B24H DBTA0838B2G F1225B12H F8025R12MA DYTA2070B8S DS08025R12UP048 2B12038B24M P011 DA07015R12U BA10033B12U BA10033B12G C5010B12EV D4010T12H D4010T12H DS09225T12HPFAF DS09225T12HPFAF DASB0815B2U GTX560TI GTX560 FD7525U12D XFX HD7970 FD7525U12D HD7970 FX00000454 12025R12LP FX00000454 FD9238M12D FD9238M12D BAKA0615R2HV003 DS08025R12UP DA07520B12U DA07520B12U DASA0925B2S DS09225T12HP013 DS06025B12U BASB1125R2H DATA0825B8H DATA0825B8H DBTA1225B4S DBTA1225B4S DA17251B48U F7015B12LA DS09225R12HP049 DA08025B12U DB04048B12U DS06013T12UPFAR DS06013T12UPFAR DD04010B05U DD04010B05U BAKA0812R2UP001 BAKA0812R2UP001 DS12025B12HP005 DS04010S12L DASA1238B2H FX00000263 12025R12HP DS09225R12H DA12025B12LP005 DS12025B12H P001 DS12025B12H F1225B12V C6015B12L DA09225R12U FX00000263 12025R12HP DBTA1225BHU DF08080B12U DESA0938B2M DESA0938B2M DS08025R12UP059 DS08025R12UP059 DS09225R12H BATA0515B2U DS08025R12UP DS12025B12H DS08025R12UP059 DA12032B48H 48V DA12032B48H F4010B12HH P4010B12HE DA12025R12E DBPA1751B2S DBPA1751B2S F9733B12LG F9733B12LG 2B12038B48U F1225B12H DS09225B12U 2B12038B48H 2B12038B48H DB04028B12M FX00000263 12025R12HP DS12025B12U DS12025B12U C4010T12H C4010T12H DESA0938B2M BA03010B05U C6025B12L DB04028B12M DATA1551B8M BAKA0815T5H 5V BAKA0815T5H DS08025R12UP026 DS08025R12UP026 For AVC DB04048B12S BASA5508R5H BATA0507R5H BASA0510R5U BAKA0812R2UP001 DA08020B12U BA07530B24M BATA0610R5H DS05020B05H DS08025T12U BASB0510R2U BA06015R12L BA06015R12L DATA1551B8L DATA1551B8L F9733B12LG BASB1125R2H BATA1025B8S DA12025B24U-022 F4020B12H FD9238M12D DATA0420B2S DATA0825B8H F7025B12LX B4020B12H B4020B12H DV12038B48H DV12038B48H DB03828B12U F6015B12MY F7015B12HN F7015B12HN C6010B12LS C6010B12LS DB04028B12M DB04028B12M DB08038B12M DS04010B12H BATA0822R2H DA09238B12H DA09238B12H C5010B12MV F6010T12LS DA09238B12H DF08080B12U SANLY 7015 SF7015SL DB04028B12U DB04028B12U C6010B12LS DFTA0676B2S F6020B12HY DA08020B12U DB09025B12U BASA0825R2M BASA0825R2M E7015R12H DB04048B12U DN06510B12M DN06510B12M B1238B12H F6015B12LY DS04010S12L DS04010S12L DS09238B12HPFAF DS09238B12HPFAF DB04048B12U C6025B12L C6025B12L C4010T12H C4010T12H DS04010B12H-045 DS04010B12H-045 BA10033B12S BA10033B12S DS07020B12U DS07020B12U F9025S12L F9025S12L DB04028B12U DF0456B12U DA12025R12EP016 DA12025R12EP016 DE07015B12H DE07015B12H F7025B12E F7025B12E DBTB1238B4S C5010B12H C5010B12H DA04010B12H D4010B12M DS04028B12U DS04028B12U F9733B12LE F9733B12LE DB07038B12U DB07038B12U B9025B12H BA03010B05U DS08025R12MP098 DS09225R12LC019 C9025B12H P1238B24H DD05010B05U DS06013T12UPFAR DS06013T12UPFAR F7015T12MY F7015T12MY F3820B12H F3820B12H DD12038B48H DA04010B12U F7015B12MN F9025S12HB F9025S12HB F9733B12L F9733B12L D4020B12L D4020B12L F8025B12E F3828B12HB F3828B12HB DF04056B12U DS08020R12M DA12032B48U F7015R12UY F9025S12M F9025S12M P6015B12U P6015B12U DS04020B12H DS04020B12H D6025B12E F3828B12H DBTB1238B4U DS08025T12U-006 DA12025B12H DA12025B12H DS04010R12U DS04010R12U DB09225B12F F6010T12MS E7025B12HA E1225B12H DS09225T12HP079 DS08025B12MP088 BA12032B12M 2B09238B48H 2B09238B48H DA06015B12M-040 DA06015B12M-040 F7015T12UY F7015T12UY DS04020B12M DS04020B12M DATA0625B8H DATA0625B8H DBTB1238B2U DBTB1238B2U DATA0625B8F DATA0625B8F D6015R12LY D6015R12LY DS06025R12M-015 DS06025R12M-015
All orders will ship between 1-3 Business Days (unless unexpected circumstances occur)
Please allow 15-25 Business Days for arrival for standard shipping (some international orders may require 30-60 days in some cases due to customs/local post office delays)
Express shipping packages will normally arrive within 6-8 business days or faster.(some international orders may require 15-20 days in some cases due to customs/local post office delays)
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We automatically calculate which shipping method will be the fastest to your location.
During the holidays, please allow extra time for delivery.
Business days are Monday through Friday 8AM-10PM. (Weekends and Holidays are not considered Business Days)
Please note - if you email our customer support during the weekends, you will receive a response on the next business day.
Please note - if you select DHL service and it is not available in your area, we will contact you and provide a different carrier
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After a package is shipped out, we are unable to modify the delivery address.
Our reship fee is $15 (some larger orders may require a higher reship fee) and is subject to policies above.
50% refunds (if applicable)
In some cases, we may issue a 50% refund if there's a delivery issue caused by the customer and the customer requests to not reship. We reserve the right to review each scenario and deem if a 50% refund is applicable.
If packages are stolen, please provide us proof of theft and we will reship a new package to you at no charge.
We are not responsible for delays caused by customs, or unexpected postal delivery delays such as local postal backlogs or strikes.
We are not responsible for customs fees for international customers.
We always try our best to estimate the shipping time and communicate with complete transparency with our customers, but sometimes unforeseen problems occur.
We thank you for your understanding and hope you love your product from COOLINGFANSTORE!!
Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
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Refunds (if applicable)
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If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days.
Late or missing refunds (if applicable)
If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.
Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
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If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at c_fan123@hotmail.com.
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Exchanges (if applicable)
We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at c_fan123@hotmail.com and send your item to: Sensda Electronics Limited, No.20 GuanDA road Huangpu District Guangzhou, 510000 广东, 中国.
If the item was marked as a gift when purchased and shipped directly to you, you’ll receive a gift credit for the value of your return. Once the returned item is received, a gift certificate will be mailed to you.
If the item wasn’t marked as a gift when purchased, or the gift giver had the order shipped to themselves to give to you later, we will send a refund to the gift giver and he will find out about your return.
To return your product, you should mail your product to: Sensda Electronics Limited, No.20 GuanDA road Huangpu District Guangzhou, 510000 广东, 中国
You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.
Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.